Are airports emotional places?

Have you ever found yourself getting emotional at an Airport?

Airports are big and most are very busy. Everyone is going somewhere. The only people who stand still at airports are those who work there, they can observe the hustle and bustle.

You have and not because of dropping or picking anyone up. You were waiting for family to arrive and prior to this was watching others arrive. Surprising to yourself it was quite emotional to see people being welcomed by others, embracing, hugging, kissing, tears and joy. You could not believe these scenes would affect me. Yet they did, it must be a human behaviour to feel these emotions at seeing humans reunited after periods of being away from each other.

You are always envied the people who were met by a card carrying chauffeur. Wow, You thought, they must be rich to be able to afford that. It was only as You grew more experienced in travel You realised that you don’t have to be rich to get an airport transfer with a chauffeur. Its pretty much the standard way to be picked up. If you are after certainty, a bit of local knowledge and of course someone to hold your bags. Its the only way to travel.


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